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Hong Kong
Artificial Reef Project


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Since 1996 AFCD has been implementing an artificial reef project to enhance fisheries resources, restore destructed habitats, protect important nursery and spawning grounds and marine protected areas; and improve the habitat quality of homogenous seabed. Artificial reefs are recognised world-wide for their ability to encourage growth and development of a great number and variety of marine organisms, which in turn provide food, shelter and protection for fish. Deployment of AR is one of the effective fisheries resources enhancement tools for much of Hong Kong's open sea-bed, where habitat is limiting the variety and abundance of reef fish. Results of underwater monitoring survey revealed that the deployed artificial reefs supported a higher diversity and abundance of fish species as compared with natural reef habitat. Over 200 species of fish, including many species of high commercial values, such as groupers, breams, snappers and sweetlips, are using the reefs for feeding, shelter and as spawning and nursery areas.

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